Deixo aqui uma receita para uma sopa cremosa de couve-flor que fiz. Aqui em casa, as sopas e guisados é daquilo que temos em casa :) Esta ficou bastante aprovada!
Today I share a recipe for a cauliflower creamy soup I made. Here at home, the soups and stews are made with what we have at home :) This one was much approved!
Ingredientes: Ingredients:
4 dentes de alho 4 garlic cloves
1 cebola 1 onion
2 talos aipo 2 celery stalks
1 fio de azeite a dash of olive oil
1 chuchu 1 chayote
2 cenouras 2 carrots
2 courgetes 2 courgettes
meia cabeça de couve-flor half head of cauliflower
2 batatas 2 potatoes
sal q.b. salt for seasoning
Piquei os alhos, a cebola e o aipo e refoguei com um fio de azeite.
I chopped the cloves, onion and celery and sauteed them in a dash of olive oil.
Juntei o chuchu aos cubos e juntei água. Temperei com sal.
Then I added the cayote chopped in cubes and added water. I seasoned with salt.
Juntei as cenouras à rodelas, as courgetes em cubos e meia cabeça de couve flor cortada aos bocados. Juntei ainda 2 batatas aos cubos.
I added the carrots cut in circles, the courgettes chopped in cubes and half head of cauliflower cut into chunks. I also added tow potatoes cut into cubes.
Adicionei mais água até cobrir os legumes e retifiquei o sal. Deixei cozer.
I added more water to cover the veggies and checked the salt. I let cook until tender.
Depois triturei com a varinha mágica mas sem triturar tudo para textura.
Then with an immersion blender, I blended the soup but not very much for texture.
Sopa cremosa de legumes:
Creamy vegetable soup:
Sopa de beterraba e couve-flor:
Beetroot and cauliflower soup:
Sopa macrobiótica com trigo serraceno:
Macrobiotic soup with buckwheat:
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